“The Beige Has Gone From My Life”… Why I Came To Divine Divas Four Times, And Counting!
What is your name and age?
Hi, my name is Lisa and I am 52 years old.
You’ve come in for a Boudoir experience four times, can you tell us what made you come in for your first experience?
My husband first introduced me to Divine Divas. He showed me some photos from your website and mentioned about me doing it. I laughed and told him not to be so ridiculous, I could never do that! He knew how much I struggled with body image issues and that I was always hiding from the camera so he explained to me why he thought it would be good for me… I guess the seed was planted and I started to realise that I would love to do it. I wanted to feel like the other Divas I read about. I wanted to feel beautiful. So, with that in mind, I told my husband that if he booked, I would do it.
Obviously we know you came in three times after that - so tell us what is it about Boudoir that has you coming back?
Boudoir makes me feel empowered, confident and sexy. I just love it.
People book their Boudoir experiences for unique reasons each time. What led you to booking each individual experience?
My first experience was 100% about building my confidence. I was really nervous my first time and I felt incredibly self conscious, but when it was over I just wanted to do it again. So, after that first time I knew I could do it and I knew that I would enjoy it more and feel more free within myself.
A few of my photos from my first shoot in 2016!
The second time round, there was a model call and I just put my name down. It was a different experience, my confidence was there and I felt more relaxed and happy to be daring.
From my Boudoir experience in 2017 - as you can see, more happy to go daring!
The third time I actually came in for a Couples shoot. Due to my history of hiding from the camera, my husband and I didn’t have many photos together just as a couple, so this felt really important to me. Never in a million years did I think my husband would do it though - but he said yes! It was a totally brilliant experience and quite different because my husband was there. There was lots of giggling!
My husband and I!
My final time was just after COVID. I think my husband could see that my sparkle had diminished and my confidence was lacking. Due to the pandemic, obviously I hadn’t been going out and there was no chance to dress up and it just really impacted how I was seeing myself. So, he bought me a Gift Certificate for Christmas… I cried, I just couldn't get over it. I couldn't wait, I was so excited. And boy did it do the trick. The experience brought back the girl that Divine Divas had originally found buried inside of me all those years ago at the first experience.
My photos from my last shoot! We got my husband’s beloved car involved!
Do you feel each experience has offered you something different?
Each time has been very different and they’ve all brought me something new; from helping me find my confidence and my sexiness, to helping me push myself out of my comfort zones, to having fun with my husband, to, finally, finding myself again.
Things have also changed within Divine Divas over the years. For example you now see your photos directly after your shoot whereas before you had to wait a week! The calls are also better. They were good before and they gave you an idea of what to expect but now they are a lot more involved and ask questions which make you really think about who you are, what you are looking for and how best Divine Divas can capture the person you want to be, but can’t see.
As you just mentioned, we now have quite in depth phone calls with you before your experience! Do you feel that it was an important part of the photography experience? Do you feel it added to the experience?
The calls definitely help, as I say they help you to realise a few things about yourself, they give you advice on what to expect and what to bring and they help you think about what you are looking for too.
Having a professional makeup artist work with you on the day, do you think this added to the experience, and what did it do for your confidence coming into the shoot?
The hair and makeup is a must! Unfortunately we are not all gifted in this area but, not only that, I think this is another aspect in helping you feel relaxed. The chat takes your mind off what you are about to do and it’s part of the pampering process. It totally adds to the whole experience and the expertise of the make up artist is brilliant. Every Diva looks spectacularly gorgeous.
A lot of women feel self conscious about having a boudoir experience - knowing what you know now, what would you say to any woman feeling a little self conscious about herself and treating herself to this experience?
I whole-heartedly recommend this to any woman. Tall, short, big, small, confident or not - the whole experience is absolutely amazing and you will come out looking and feeling like a new person; like someone that could take on the world. If like me, you’re someone who always hated cameras - that won’t be you anymore. You’ll instead step in front of it and be proud to stand centre stage, because you genuinely will feel like a strong, confident woman.
What was it like actually being photographed? How did you find the photoshoot itself?
The photoshoot itself was perfect. Based on how nervous I was for my first shoot, I can’t believe how well they put me at ease. My photographer showed me a shot during the shoot itself and that helped me relax and start really getting into it! Considering I was semi-naked in front of a stranger (who was a man!) I thought I would have been tremendously self conscious and as stiff as a board but honestly, by the end, I just wanted to do it all over again! It was like a fairground ride that you didn’t want to do and thought you’d hate, but by the end you feel such a rush you just want to do it all over again.
Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like?
Seeing my photos for the first time, I wanted to cry. I just couldn't believe it was me and even now I struggle to believe it! My husband even had teary eyes. I've had the odd family photoshoot done before (at different studios!) and from those I only managed to pick out a couple I liked, but with these I couldn't pick between them, they were all amazing. They were just gorgeous… and it was me. I couldn’t put together two words, I felt so speechless.
How have other people in your life benefited from this experience? What have they said about your photos!
My husband is enjoying my new found confidence - now the light can stay on! Plus, my lingerie has definitely improved. Even my daughter has said she has noticed a difference in me because I don’t hide from the camera now. This might seem like a small thing but it actually means the world because now, when I’m gone, I know they will have photos of me to remember me by. It was quite shocking to realise how hard it was to find a family shot of us all together, and quite sad too, but not anymore thanks to Divine Divas.
Confidence is a big thing - in fact it is everything. How has this boudoir experience elevated who you are in different areas of your life - for example has this confidence affected your relationship or your career?
The confidence has improved my family life for sure and I thank Divine Divas so much for that. It has also changed the way I dress too! There are certain colours and items I wouldn’t have worn before, thinking I’m too old or that people will judge me but this has changed now.
If this experience helped you find part of you that you believe you had lost or maybe felt you had to hide away, which part of you do you believe you have been able to rediscover because of your boudoir experience with us?
The confidence in myself and my body has changed how I hold myself. I am no longer the wallflower at the back. I have found my bright, colourful self; the one that laughs, smiles and enjoys life to the maximum. The beige has gone from my life.
What stood out for you about your last experience?
My last experience I brought ideas to the table. I had poses I wanted to explore for example, and that’s something I never would have done before. Also, I exposed more flesh than I thought I would - and then chose those photos for my wall! And, yes, that sexy woman is me!
How do you feel every time you look at your artwork now?
I have two lots of wall art in the bedroom and living room. The living room ones are more conservative but they are there loud and proud. The others in the bedroom are more risky - and I have a little gasp every time I see them. Confidence just emanates from me. I love, love, love them and so does my husband. When I am not feeling it, my husband points to my photos and there she is again.
I know you went for some beautiful wall collections! So many people have said that this is the best money that they have ever spent on themselves - we know we are not cheap, but some times we just need to know that we are worth spoiling outs selves - do you believe that what you received was valuable and thinking about it now and all that this will give you for so many years - do you believe that this was money well spent?
The whole experience, what it does for you as a person, and the artwork itself, are all just worth it in bucket loads. They will always be there as a lasting memory of the day you found yourself. That feeling never goes.
What has been your favourite experience with us and why?
I really enjoyed the couple's shoot as it was something we did together and it was so much fun, but I think the last shoot was best. The fact I got to include my husband’s other love (his beloved car) was so special
And final question, would you come back again?! Haha!
I think it's great how you are evolving all the time with your different types of shoots such as your wet look, sunny mornings and nude shoots so…never say never!