15 Divas & Their Boudoir Artwork In Their Home… This Is How It Makes Them Feel
Diva name: Lin
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I wake up every morning and get dressed grinning at myself and my photos. I feel empowered. And it makes me feel proud to be able to play so many instruments and rock the look with them… The greatest showman!
Diva name: Rachael
What does your artwork mean to you? Following the very bad break up of a relationship with my boyfriend (who I have to work with) this afternoon I had to endure mediation with him, my boss and HR. It was horrendous, frustrating and brought back all the emotions I though I has started to deal with. Feeling thoroughly rotten I go upstairs to get changed and see my DD artwork. I've just properly looked at them for the first time in a long while and reminded myself that deep down I am still the hot, fierce and kick ass woman in the photos. That’s what my artwork means to me.
Diva name: Catherine
How do you feel when you see your artwork? Every time I look at it, it reminds me that underneath, how ever I'm feeling, there's the old me there. The Catherine who is a bit glam, a bit girly and looks after herself. I love it and four years on, I still can't get over that I can look like that.
Diva name: Chloe
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I booked my experience after bring strong-armed by my Mum! She had one the year before and wanted me to have the experience too. I think she recognised my struggle with transitioning to motherhood; not being able to define who I was between work and being a Mum.
My artwork is how I remember myself, who I am outside of being a Mum, and what I achieved in the Boudoir session. I'm expecting my second child in December but this time I feel a lot more comfortable setting expectations around what I NEED as a person to be able to maintain my own wellbeing. I am so pleased I chose the artwork rather than just a private album, as I am given that reminder all the time of who I can be. Although, at times rushing about I do forget to "see" it, I can always find time go back to look and feel what it means to me.
Diva name: Vicky
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I had always wanted to do a Boudoir experience but I had never dared. My husband and I were in a bit of a rocky patch and I finally shared it with him. He was actually the one that booked it for me in the end. I wanted to see myself looking back at me through my own eyes, if that makes sense. It really was such a life changing moment for me.
Every reaction I get to my artwork is just wow. Lots of people question whether it is indeed me… Err, yes! I am her! That is me! I like that I can change my photo depending on my mood too. I have to say I adore my more witchy shots and sensual poses. They remind me every morning what a strong, sexy, independent woman I really am.
Diva name: Georgina
Tell us about your Divine Divas Experience: I was lucky enough to win my experience. It came at I time where I had put on quite a bit of weight and I wanted to see myself through my husband eyes. I was blown away by the professionalism of your whole team; you made me look and feel like a goddess.
Diva name: Linda
How do you feel when you see your artwork? My Boudoir experience came about because I needed the chance to do something for me. In February last year, my husband, Bryan had a serious accident. Then in April my Mum was very ill and, finally, in May my brother died. I was the only one who could deal with everything but it was a nightmare. So when the opportunity came I grabbed it and I found it so liberating. When I look at my artwork I think “that's me?”, followed by “that's me!!!”. My photos have enabled me to see myself as if through Bryan’s eyes. Now I understand when he says “you are beautiful” - because, for the first time, I know that I am. Divine Divas should be available on the NHS, then I would apply for a repeat prescription.
Diva name: Lisa
How do you feel when you see your artwork? Every time I see her (as I refer to my artwork), it makes me feel that no matter what is going on, I’m a badass and I can handle it. So here’s me with her and, guess what, I did actually sell the cupboard that used to be here to make space for this and put me/her right in its place!
Diva name: Leah
How do you feel when you see your artwork? Here’s a photo of my wall art when I collected it from Divine Divas - I’m waiting to hang it up on my walls soon! I cried with happiness at my photos. I am gobsmaked it’s me. When I look at my artwork, I see the confidence boost I need and the feeling I need to rebuild my belief in myself.
Diva name: Andrea
How do you feel when you see your artwork? The experience and the artwork makes me feel special. To anyone considering a Divas experience, go for it. You won’t regret it. This artwork is in my living room!
Diva name: Lisa
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I have two lots of wall art in the bedroom and living room. The living room ones are more conservative but they are there loud and proud. The others in the bedroom are more risky - and I have a little gasp every time I see them. Confidence just emanates from me. I love, love, love them and so does my husband. When I am not feeling it, my husband points to my photos and there she is again.
Diva name: Sian
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I look at my album everyday and it makes me feel so empowered. From start to finish I had such a wonderful experience with Divine Divas.
Diva name: Jenn
How do you feel when you see your artwork? I look at this every day and smile. I have ended up with artwork that, when I’m 90, and I’m sitting in my rocking chair, and I’m old and grey, and gravity has set in, I can look back and think, yes, there was a time when you absolutely rocked it.
Diva name: Nikki
How do you feel when you see your artwork? This is my artwork in my own Boudoir! Every time I look at it, I feel so empowered. It makes me feel amazing.
Diva name: Kate
How do you feel when you look at your artwork? I'm a great believer that things often happen at the right time for a reason. When I went for my shoot, I wanted some art that would capture different sides of me and to be able to really recognise myself. My description was somewhat vague and pretty impossible (think it involved "strong" "fun" and some other bits) but I left the shoot feeling amazing.
Within two days, my Dad was calling 999 as I could barely move and couldn't talk and we thought it might be an impact of Covid. In fact, it was non-epileptic seizures returning as a result of my Functional Neurological Disease, something I'd hoped had gone away a while ago.
I was told I could no longer drive and after almost daily seizures, was told I wasn't fit for work. Yesterday I was told that my health meant that I could no longer continue a Masters that I was loving. My life felt like it was drifting away so fast.
Yet when I look at my artwork, I see me. Vulnerable and just recovering from a meltdown (hats off to Jesse) yet strong, sensual and fun. I might not know what the future holds but that me I see in my photos will still be me, no matter my illnesses or disabilities. Thank you Divine Divas for this amazing gift!
Wondering what artwork you would love from your Boudoir Experience? Check out our artwork page or our Divine Divas Experience Planner to have any questions answered!