I Thought I Had To Lose Weight Before My Boudoir Experience, I Was Wrong.
This is me! In a rare selfie (there aren’t many photos of me because I spent my entire life avoiding the camera. Not anymore!)
What is your name and age?
My name is Karen Chisnall and I’m 54 years old.
When did you come in for your Boudoir Shoot?
I came in on the 9th November this year!
We talked about the idea that you felt you had to lose weight before your experience and then you realised that wasn’t the case… can you tell us more?
I’ve missed opportunities before because of telling myself I have to lose weight before I do something. I’m at that age now where I think f**k it! Life is too short! I am who I am and if people don’t like it, then why should I worry?! I have always worried what other people think about me and how they see me; worrying about whether they see me as overweight. So, yes, this was so out of my comfort zone but you have to do things which take you out of your normal context to be able to move forward. It’s why I thought “do it now or lose the chance to do this experience”, it was my “now or never” moment.
Obviously, we have quite in depth phone calls with you before your experience! Do you feel that it was an important part of the photography experience?
OMG! The calls are definitely an important part, which you don’t actually realise to start with. These calls prior to the experience made me feel like I already knew the team. Don’t get me wrong, I was still nervous as hell on the day but these calls made me feel like I was special. I’m not sure if that’s the right word to use, but it’s how it made me feel. Someone was interested in me and remembered things I’d said in previous calls when I had my follow-up calls or when we actually met on the day. It was such an important part of the experience, it made me feel so relaxed because the team already knew so much about me. So, do I feel it added? Definitely.
Having a professional makeup artist work with you on the day, do you think this added to the experience, and what did it do for your confidence coming into the shoot ??
I was a little hesitant about the idea of my hair and make-up being done as I thought, what if I don’t like it?! What if it’s just too much?! But, again, I was so wrong to think this. The professional styling was absolutely brilliant and I loved it. Nothing was done without me being happy with it. And maybe it’s sad to say but, wow, those false eyelashes. I’ve never used them before (well, I did once with hilarious results) but these were amazing. It made me feel like a super star.
Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like?
WOW!!!! Is that really me!!!! I honestly couldn’t believe I could look so damn good!!
Confidence is a big thing - in fact it is everything. How has this boudoir experience elevated who you are in different areas of your life - for example has this confidence affected your relationship or your career?
This experience has helped immensely! Career wise, I have been offered opportunities that I would never have ever considered prior to the experience as I wouldn’t have thought I was worthy or good enough. I have a new “can do” confidence.
My confidence within my relationships has also changed. I knew who my real friends were before this experience, but now I have a new mindset when meeting new people or getting to know people more in depth. I’m not so hung up about what people think I look like on the first meeting. I am who I am and this confidence radiates through and counters any of my previous negative thoughts.
If this experience helped you find part of you that you believe you had lost or maybe felt you had to hide away, which part of you do you believe you have been able to rediscover because of your boudoir experience with us?
I felt I had lost the real me!! But guess what…she’s now back!! Bigger, louder and more beautiful than ever!!!
What stood out for you about this experience?
I think the thing that stood out most was actually having my photos taken. I went from someone who will do anything not to have her photo taken to someone who felt relaxed and loved every single second of it - all within about ten minutes of being in the studio.
How do you feel about your artwork?
I am so excited about receiving it. I really, really, really cannot wait.
We know we are not cheap, but some times we just need to know that we are worth spoiling outs selves, do you believe that this was money well spent?
Oh most definitely this is money well spent. We spend money on ourselves with no lasting or memorable outcome. This experience gives you artwork to reflect on forever.
What would you say to anyone considering a Divine Divas experience? Especially to anyone who is struggling with nerves…
Just do it!!! It will be scary, exciting, emotional and everything else you can think of. But I can promise you, you will not regret a single moment of the whole experience.
We have nerves because we are excited and scared, it gives us adrenaline to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Nerves are good as it means you care about what you are doing. Embrace the nerves and enjoy every single moment. If I can do it, then so can anyone.
I would also just like to add a final note to express my thanks and gratitude to an absolutely fabulous team. Every single team member is there to make people feel absolutely amazing about themselves. And it’s not just for one day. What they do stays with you in your future, in your day-to-day life. In my world this is now just the beginning of the real, new me. Thank you to you all.