“I Am Not Everyone’s Type of Beautiful But I Am Beautiful To ME.”


This brilliant brilliant woman is one of the beautiful women we have ever met - her kindness radiates from her. You might have seen her talk in a few videos she put out - you’d be able to tell what we mean instantly!

Unfortunately, she found it hard to give that kindness back to herself. She has some health issues and a short period prior to the shoot, she had a full hysterectomy too. After that she decided it was time to do something for herself.

She told us how she had struggled with body image her whole life and that she wanted to create a reminder to love herself - for exactly who she is, without any changes.

Working with Steph was such a joy; to be able to talk to her after the experience and to see a genuine transformation in her confidence, to see in her eyes that she’s starting to understand what people mean when they call her beautiful - it was incredible and reminds us why we do what we do. 

You can take a look at her photos in this blog 💕Doesn’t she look amazing? 

This is what Steph had to say about her experience. 

“I don’t like my photo being taken but it was like being with friends - you sort of forget the hold ups you have. Do it for you and celebrate yourself. No matter what you look like - big, small, tall, short… you are beautiful beyond measure.”

The biggest thing for me was to realise I AM beautiful. I am not everyone’s type of beautiful but I am beautiful to me - and that’s what you’ve got to remember. You’ve got to be bold - because if you don’t give kindness to yourself, how can you ever tell someone else to give kindness to themselves?

You do deserve to treat yourself and you do deserve the best in life - and that includes investing in feeling confident.

Go for it. You have nothing to lose and it’s worth every penny.”

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If you’re interested in finding out more about Boudoir and how we can tailor an experience around you and what’s important to you, just book a phone call with us using this link! We’d love to talk and there’s no silly question.


“I Wanted to Celebrate The Body I Am So Lucky To Have.”


“It Was Like I Had Become This Whole Other Person.”