Male Photographers…Let’s Talk About It
Yes, we have male photographers.
(If you want to read testimonials from women, scroll down and you’ll see what other Divas said about working with Jesse and Neill!)
Getting your kit off AND having your photos taken by a man you just met? Does it sound like your idea of a nightmare?
Here’s why it shouldn’t.
The team here at Divas is largely made up of women (which we love), and Shannon is training as a female photographer too. We totally get that as a woman, it can be easier and more comfortable to talk to another woman about insecurities and our bodies - which is why we love that you can talk to any of us, (Jo, Shannon, Kate or me) and feel like you’re talking to people who genuinely care, and, crucially, who get it.
A very bad quality screenshot, but here’s a photo we took yesterday at our team meeting so you can see all out faces! Kate is top left, Jess is top right, Jo and Shannon are at the bottom! (Jaspa is the studio-dog and fluff ball in the photo.)
And because we DO get it - the weight of comparison, the negative voices that creep in, the changes in our body, and our lives, that worry of other people seeing and judging you; how terrifying and vulnerable it can be to think of baring yourself in front of others, especially a man; that frustration at just wanting to let go but it feeling impossible…because we get ALL of that and more, we can also say with total certainty that Jesse and Neill are two of the best Boudoir photographers you could ever wish to find.
First things first Jesse and Neill are professional, calming and, to top it off, unbelievably good at their jobs. Neill is an award-winning photographer who has worked with some of the UK’s largest magazines and newspapers (The Sunday Times for example!). Jesse was also trained by Neill and has been working with Divas for fifteen years. You want your photographer to be talented, capable and to know what they are doing - and that’s exactly the case with these guys. You can take a look at our team page to take a sneaky peek at what we all look like! (Nice enough, right?! Haha)
However, we also get that this isn’t just normal photography. Boudoir photography is so vulnerable and a very emotional journey; it’s not just about the technical ability, it’s about feeling at ease. We know this is particularly important for clients who navigate mental health difficulties, or are sexual assault survivors, and we cannot express enough that we will, and do, go out of our way to make sure that you feel cared for and supported. The whole team, man or woman, are here for you to voice any worries or requests. You can’t say anything too big or too small; we are here to look after you. So remember that.
And, back to Jesse and Neill, you have to remember, this is their job. This is what they have done every day for over 15 years; they have seen bodies of ALL shapes, all sizes - some of those bodies have been clothed, and some have been totally nude! It doesn’t matter. No matter who you are, everything we do is about creating an environment where you can feel comfortable enough to come out of your shell and find joy in your body!
They are so so SO incredible at helping you feel at ease. I have lost count of the amount of women who tell me they laughed throughout the entire photoshoot.
Lastly, as we’ve mentioned, we understand that you may feel nervous and that’s why we tailor the experience around that. So, before you come in you’ll have a call with your photographer to get to know them and then, again, before the photoshoot you’ll get to know them in person.
But, as they say in the adverts, don’t just take our word for it…I was actually inspired to write this blog based on a post in the Divine Divas VIP Group where a woman posted saying she felt nervous about having a male photographer.
So, need some reassurance? Take a look at just a FEW of the comments from past Divas who replies talking about their experience with Jesse and Neill…
“I worried about this. I had Jesse and he was absolutely lovely, so reassuring and made me feel very comfortable. I can not praise him enough! He even put himself in positions to show me how to do the poses and always checked to make sure I was comfortable.”
“Me and my husband did a shoot together and I was also worried about this, but they are so friendly that you don’t even notice by the end!”
“Neill is amazing and made me feel comfortable from the first second, honestly - and I am not the most comfortable person with anyone that’s not my partner.”
“They're both [Jesse and Neill] lush. I've only had Jesse (twice) and honestly I stood there stark naked chatting about covid and it was no more strange than chatting to a friend in Costa!!”
“I had Neil as my photographer. I was so nervous but he made feel at ease as soon as I got there. He’s a true gentleman and so funny. I would definitely have Neill again to do my photo shoot.”
“Neill was my photographer for both shoots. He was fabulous and put me at ease.”
“Jesse did my photos. He is a great guy. He immediately puts you at ease. I was so comfortable that I went topless; now that says it all for someone who will not even wear a swimsuit!”
“I'd only ever been with my husband so the idea of another man seeing me in my undies made me really uncomfortable. I checked with my husband first that he didn't mind and explained to Jesse why I was so nervous when I arrived. He made me feel soooooo comfortable that I quickly forgot I was in my underwear. I quickly understood that he was seeing me in a professional capacity, in the same way that a Dr would, especially when he started commenting on curves, angles, lighting etc. In the end, I think that for me the fact that I went so far out of my comfort zone made it even better and I feel so much more comfortable with my body now.”
“As someone who has survived sexual assault, I was very worried and nervous about it being a man. I just didn't know how I'd handle being in a room alone with a man in nothing but my underwear. Worst case scenario for me was going to be a full blown panic attack. Jesse was incredible. He has such a gentle way about him and he never made me feel threatened, uncomfortable or self conscious. He made me laugh and feel so comfortable around him. I even had the courage to take off my bra and have a few topless shots. Of course, only you will know if it's something you can tolerate. But all I can say is that based on my experience, you have nothing to fear.”
“I had Neill as my photographer. I felt the same at first, but honestly the nerves disappeared. I even got brave enough to go starkers!”
“Jesse and Neill are both great photographers and bring the Divine Divas vibe to life for everyone they photograph. I loved every minute of my visit and did not feel at all intimidated as it was all so professional.”
“I am a SA survivor and PTSD sufferer and Jesse did mine. He really put me at ease and was funny and very professional. I even did a couple of nude shots! You have absolutely nothing to fear but I completely understand.”
“As a SA survivor I too was concerned but Neill was fabulous. We had a phone chat beforehand to discuss what I wanted to achieve from the shoot & what to take with me. On the day of the shoot we had another chat to run through what I was/wasn't comfortable with. Just be yourself, be open with them & let them guide you.”
“I am also an SA survivor and genuinely, the whole team are beyond friendly and experts at making you feel comfortable and confident with every that happens and will discuss with you your fears and boundaries but, above all, will make you feel and look amazing and you will come out on cloud 9.”
“Jesse did my photos and was superb. He was reassuring and encouraging, and I didn’t feel the slightest bit uncomfortable with him. He is very professional and made it fun. I would say overthinking it all before the shoot is the worst bit. Being there, in the moment, in the capable hands of the pro makeup and hair team and understanding, patient photographer is the easier, far more enjoyable part. It’s a leap of faith, but just get yourself there and let them do everything else. You’ll surprise yourself. It’s truly been a life changing experience for me and I never, ever, thought I would be able to do it.”
This is just a selection out of so many comments that all say the same thing. If you want to read the rest, just go to click here.
I really hope you find this useful and reassuring; and I hope you get that we really do understand how important it is you feel comfortable, and how scary it can be, but we promise you, you will have the BEST time with Jesse or Neill. They may be guys, but they’re Divas at heart.
If you do have any questions, then don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re always here.