Transform your confidence

Transform your confidence

Book Your Complimentary Consultation

Use the link to book a time to speak to a member of the Divas team!

  • ✔️ Find out more about you, and where you’re at in your confidence journey.

    ✔️ Uncover what it is you want to connect with and celebrate about yourself. What makes YOU feel proud to be you?

    ✔️ Talk you through how a Boudoir Experience works, and answer any questions you have about the day or the artwork.

    ✔️ If you decide to book, we will talk you through the next steps, find a date, and take your session fee.

Your Discovery Calls

Before you come in for your photoshoot, your Discovery calls to help you prepare for the day!

  • ✔️ Your discovery calls will help you challenge any existing negative beliefs, and light your spark of confidence so that you feel like your most badass, most liberated self.

    ✔️ A styling consultation over the phone to help you choose outfits that will make you feel fabulous - and push you out of your comfort zone, in a great way! We’ll also talk hair and make-up.

    ✔️ A consultation with your photographer so we can start tailoring your photoshoot.

    ✔️ A conversation with a loved one. It can be hard to see ourselves clearly. That’s why, if you’d like us to, we speak to a cheerleader of yours so we can learn what makes you amazing - and help you see it too!

Your Day In The Studio

Next, there is your luxury five hour experience in our studio in Bath, which will bring your confidence to the surface.

  • ✔️ Your professional makeover and hair styling so you feel fabulous before your photoshoot.

    ✔️ Your fully-guided photoshoot with our award-winning Boudoir photographers.

    ✔️ Your cinema screening of your photos. Your design consultant will help you design your dream artwork that you want to purchase for your home, to help keep the confidence alive for years to come.

Your Confident Life Awaits

You get to live the life you deserve, feeling confident in your body, and connected to who you are as a person!

  • How do you know that this confidence will stick around long-term?

    Everything we do is centred around long-term transformation. We have developed these techniques over 16 years, using our training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and our experience from working with thousands of women, to help fast-track our Diva's route to confidence.

    By combining our unique discovery calls, the healing photoshoot experience and the creation of artwork that you see everyday, your  self-belief will be truly supercharged. 

    That's why when we asked our Group of 3,200 Divas if their Boudoir experience had a long-term impact on their confidence … and 96% said yes.

    You can read some of our Divas experiences by going to our blog.

Do you want the confidence to…

🚀 Love the body you’re in, and choose to wear what makes you feel genuinely amazing, rather than hiding yourself?

🚀 Feel able to prioritise yourself and set healthy boundaries that leave you with time for yourself?

🚀 Make the most of opportunities that come your way, professionally and personally?

🚀 Progress at work, and have the belief to voice your ideas?

🚀 Feel powerful in your dating, and sex, life? Choosing to only be with people who understand and see your worth?

🚀 Make changes in your life that mean you can explore your OWN desires, creating joy and adventure in your day-to-day?

🚀 Reignite your spark, and feel like the REAL you?


“You found the perfect spell for me, a tailored alchemy that transformed me. You made me know I really mattered, that I was part of something that would change me - and it has.”


“After 27 Years, you gave me the confidence to finally wear a bikini on holiday…and train as a Personal Trainer aged 53!


“I didn’t know how to be who I wanted… but you changed my life.”


Hi, I’m Jo,

You’ve landed on this page because you have realised that improving your confidence will take changes, and, so far, you haven’t been able to do that on your own.

But that’s why we’re here.

Divine Divas have spent the last 20 years, transforming women's confidence daily.

We have spent years listening to women’s confidence journey - where self-esteem comes from, what works to boost confidence, what doesn’t work - and we have developed techniques that irrevocably supercharge women’s confidence.

We created our Boudoir Experiences because we know that there is a confidence epidemic where women feel totally unable to prioritise themselves. Women, like you, who never put themselves first, and constantly feel stuck in a rut - feeling lesser in their changing body, and consequently limiting themselves... for YEARS of their life.

I can relate to these women, because - years ago - that was me.

I didn’t have confidence when I was younger. I chose friends that I could exist in the shadow of. They were more gregarious, louder, fun. I was the faithful support act, never wanting to be in the limelight; always feeling I was too fat, too plain, not interesting enough.

Then, in 1999 I came across life coaching and trained as a coach. This was the beginning of my life-long love of personal development. It also opened the door to me realising that I had all the tools I needed to find my confidence, and to create the life that I had previously told myself ‘wasn’t for me’.

The me today is SO different to teenage Jo or Jo in her 20’s. If I look back now, I see all the opportunities I missed because I didn’t have the confidence and self-belief to put myself out there.

I want you to realise that you DO have a choice. By continually putting yourself last, you are limiting yourself - and you will miss opportunities, just like I did all those years ago.

And it doesn’t have to be like that.

You can choose to become the confident version of yourself, and enjoy all of the benefits that come with being that person. But it takes action.

Book your FREE consultation with the Divas team today, and take that first step towards finding the woman you know you can be.