The Dos and Don’ts of the Perfect Boudoir Experience
Your big Boudoir day is fast approaching and you want to prepare… should you get your nails done? Get your hair done? Where should you buy your outfits from?
Don’t panic - we’re here to answer your questions with some do’s and do not’s.
DO expect more than just photos.
This is about discovering who you may have forgotten to be. When we ‘grow up’ life can take over and who we are can get taken over by being a mum, wife, worker, daughter… This is about finding out what is important to you and helping you live that side of you to the full.
Whether it is taking more risks, feeling empowered to know that what you are doing is right, not worrying about what others think or learning to feel good in your skin even though your body doesn’t look like it did in your twenties. This is about doing something for you. (those around you will also enjoy the positive affects.)
DON’T diet.
A Divine Divas experience is about learning to love your self as you are, right now, no changes! Of course we all like the feeling when we lose a few pounds, but what we want you to do is love yourself as you are and not beat yourself up for not being perfect when no one is.
We have photographed thousands of women and what I have learnt is confidence and self-love has nothing to do with what’s on the outside. It’s what is going on in your head that counts. Struggle with body-image? Here are 5 Ways to Practice Body Positivity.
DON’T change your hairstyle just before your Experience.
Particularly don’t cut off all your hair, we will make your hair look glamorous and gorgeous. Just make sure you have done your roots and come with CLEAN and dry hair.
DON’T self tan and avoid tan lines
Leave the fake tan alone! It’s more trouble than it’s worth and could make you look tango’d.
DO exfoliate and moisturize your body.
Do have a night of pampering but don’t stress too much about having perfect skin. Spots and bruises happen and it doesn’t make you any less beautiful. Plus, we have photoshop. 😉
DO make sure your nails are prepped!
Whether that means painting your nails and toes or making sure you remove any nail varnish, nails can make a difference! You could treat yourself to a mani pedi or fake press on ones! Your hands are integral to your photos; they feature heavily.
DO think about body hair - whether you’d like to remove or keep
It’s totally your choice what you do with body fuzz! If you’d like to remove it then think about waxing and shaving all of your hairy bits you don’t want photographed.
Also, consider arms and tops of legs, upper lip and chin if your hair is darker. However, if you want to go natural that’s fine too, leave your lady garden be! You do you!
DON’T pack too many outfits.
You only need two changes. Everyone looks good in a body, trust me on this. Choose one that is interesting front and back as you will be photographed from various angles. Then choose something completely different; for example, a man’s white shirt, bra and knickers, chemise, fancy dress, loose jumper, a burlesque themed outfit…
Do your research on what you like on other people, but bear in mind your own body shape too. If you love a shot of someone sat on the bed in her bra and knickers with not a tummy roll in sight and you are like me and can’t rock that look, choose something that you can disguise your tum with, like a flowing lacy robe (we have them in the studio to borrow).
DO check your crotch!
A lot of sexy undies come with a split in the crotch for ahem-well, you know. Check before you come and maybe sew it up for your photoshoot. We don’t want you to feel anxious about exposing more than you meant to.
DO go nude if you want to.
A lot of Divas choose to go nude. It’s so liberating and we photograph you in ways that are tasteful; you may not want to share them with your mother-in-law but you will no doubt love to share them with your best friend.
DO pack heels.
The higher, the better! You don’t need to walk in them remember! Plus remember to bring stockings, jewelry and any other props or accessories that you would love to include.
DO plan ahead!
Bring your credit card to the Design Consultation and Viewing! Most people don’t believe that they’re going to like their photos, let alone love them. When you see your photos after your shoot, you are going to want them all.
We do also offer payment and savings plans which means you can set up a savings plan with us to put aside some money before you come in. What makes it worth it? Check out this interview with this lovely diva, “I Wanted To Say Thank You To My Body.”
DO include your partner in your plans!
Most partners love the excitement of thinking about you having your photos done in various states of undress! Get them involved!
DO book a date night or plan with your partner or friends.
How often do you get your hair and make-up done professionally?! You are going to be buzzing from the experience and won’t want to waste how gorgeous you’ll look!
Want more tips and tricks for getting the perfect boudoir shoot? Talk to our Divas! Our Divine Divas Girls Only Group is our support network on Facebook where our divas shares stories about their shoots, photographs and styling ideas. Join our group today!