As a Newly Divorced Woman The Single Most Transformative Event Was Finding the Force of Nature That is Divine Divas

What’s your name Diva? Tell us a bit about yourself!

My name is Jane. I am a 57-year-old Mum of 3 living in the Lake District, I have a career, a house to run and elderly parents to care for. Like many of us, I have spent decades being a rock for those I love, and probably like you I always tried to do it with a smile, even in tough times. But after 24 years of marriage, I chose to divorce my husband this year. No scandals, no dramas – I just chose to walk an unknown road where my only certainty was that I could be happier, and just maybe I deserved that. 

When did you come in for your Boudoir Shoot? What made you decide to book?

As a newly single woman, overnight my entire life swerved away from the comfortable, dependable future I had rarely questioned. The single most transformative event stepping into this new future was finding the force of nature that is Divine Divas. I will always believe my stars aligned and gave me the courage to leap into the Divine Divas experience. It has been the food for my soul I hadn’t recognised I was so hungry for. Was I sure it was right for me? Of course not! I have insecurities and doubts like all of us, and usually put others before myself.

Like a lot of women my age, I have often felt unseen, invisible. But I wanted to be seen, I wanted to see me, the me that I had lost sight of. And gosh, Divine Divas sat up and saw me – now everyone else can sit up straight and take a flipping good look because I’m back in touch with the powerful woman that I am.

Obviously, we have quite in depth phone calls with you before your experience! Do you feel that it was an important part of the photography experience? Do you feel it added to the experience?

For me the phone calls took on much more significance than I had expected. It wasn’t just an opportunity for the team to get to know me, it challenged me to reflect on why I was doing this and who I wanted to see looking back at me from my photos.

If I was thinking or feeling something – I said it. Trust that Jo has built a team and fostered an ethos that ensures you can be open and 100% honest; I found the safest of places to unload my insecurities. The phone calls ensured I stepped into my shoot day as authentic and supported as possible – Divine Divas understand women and celebrate us all.

Speaking to my photographer Neill on the phone about the ‘timeless’ look I wanted for my photos was very reassuring as well. After the call, I knew he was an artist, and I was completely safe to hand over the process to his expert hands.

Having a professional makeup artist work with you on the day, do you think this added to the experience, and what did it do for your confidence coming into the shoot??

Hair and make-up by the wonderful Shannon (plus glass of fizz) – gosh I enjoyed this.  There is something so powerful about arriving bare-faced and vulnerable, then seeing the beautiful you emerge. The best you, the powerful, funny and unique you. I didn’t just look different, I felt different; like I’d found the best me again. Like all the team, Shannon herself is an integral part of the process. She delivered on the look we had chatted about, she didn’t just deliver  a fabulous new me (gosh she’s talented); our chat lifted me up and helped me stride into the studio ready to blow up the world.

A lot of women feel self-conscious about having a boudoir experience - knowing what you know now, what would you say to any woman feeling a little self-conscious about herself and treating herself to this experience?

I’m guessing that most of us go into shoot day feeling somewhat self-conscious and at least a little insecure about our bodies and looks; don’t waste your time on feeling like that. That would be my advice! Divine Divas will wrap up all your negative feelings and turn them into dust.

I have 20 years of ill health, countless big surgery scars and all the signs of being 57! The one thing I can promise, is that you will be wholly unprepared for the magic you will experience. The team and the whole experience lifted me up, embraced me and I feel strong and beautiful.

What was it like actually being photographed? How did you find the photoshoot itself?

 I would usually tell you that I like being photographed about as much as having a root-filling at the dentist. Neill is no dentist! I don’t have a good photographic side; I can’t pose and invariably think I look like my Mother in photos.

Two things happened during my shoot. Firstly, Neill was incredibly professional, giving specific instructions on how to pose properly – easy peasy. Secondly, it was fun, like the best day out with a friend.

No one should stress about the shoot - it’s like a skydive; you might be scared for a second, and as soon as you leap into it you will be flying, feeling incredibly alive and you will be asking ‘can we do it again’ as soon as it’s over.

Did this Boudoir experience celebrate or bring out a different side of yourself?

Divine Divas is honestly the single most transformative experience I have had.  Over the years I have happily given away parts of myself, all the people I love, all the challenges, every heartache  – they all took a part of me.  Even though I have given myself away gladly, there was a cost to me. Divine Divas seemed to find all those lost pieces, reassemble me, and make me feel so much more than the original version.

Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like?

I had high expectations of viewing my photographs, I had kept imagining the moment. But I hadn’t been even close to the reality. For me, something deep inside me shifted, it was a shining moment, a long-awaited validation. The woman staring back at me from the screen was the bravest, strongest, most beautiful woman, a woman that I had only ever seen glimpses of before. And, yes, I said it out loud – “How hot am I”? 

I initially had a moment of tears, then I stepped into an incredibly powerful feeling – there I was, I was back, and I was a woman who deserved to be seen, heard and celebrated.

Jess walked me through much of my Divine Divas journey, and to have her there to celebrate the results was far more emotional than I could have imagined. Just a thought - Divine Divas you should video some of our reactions!

How has you, or your life, changed since your Boudoir Experience?

 Since my shoot I walk a little taller, I notice and feel moments of joy more and never feel the need to prove my worth to anyone. It’s like a secret I hug closely and the occasional sparkle overflows and explodes around me. People notice the change!

I am sure some of what I’ve written sounds a little OTT - don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! Yes, it’s a photoshoot, yes you will go back to your everyday life. But no, you won’t feel the same.

From the first phone call, Divine Divas is obviously a safe, inspiring place for all women. I found like I have found new friends who are part of my tribe – they understand me.

 What stood out to you about your Boudoir Experience?

The entire experience affected me deeply. It was a whole series of sparkly moments that added up to a better me. My most cherished memories all involve the dream team, it’s the people and their values that create the magic. Every single person on the team lifted me up and valued the woman I am. But I know that in 20 years’ time I will still remember every detail of sitting behind Jess as my 1st photo came up on the screen. Jess was as happy as I was - apologies team for how loudly we shouted and cheered!

 So many people have said that this is the best money that they have ever spent on themselves - we know we are not cheap, but some times we just need to know that we are worth spoiling outs selves - do you believe that what you received was valuable and thinking about it now and all that this will give you for so many years - do you believe that this was money well spent?

 The truth is Divine Divas are not the cheapest studio doing this kind of shoot, but they are heads and shoulders above everyone else. I know, I did my research! I think the word ‘priceless’ is overused, but this entire process and fundamental changes it brought for me really can’t be measured, or a price put on them.

I am writing this as a woman who hasn’t even received her artwork yet - as my daughter recently said, “God help us when you’re seeing  yourself on the wall everyday”. She sees the changes in me and keeps calling me a “beautiful warrior.”

Payment plans help with the cost, so use them if you need to. Why should we always be last in the queue? Invest in yourself. We all need to get better at this.

Oh Jane ♥️ It has been such a pleasure to talk with you, but we’re on our last question! Do you have any tips for our future Divas?

  •  Trust the process! All your worrying and insecurities are a waste of time. You will not be the one this magic doesn’t work for - I promise!

  • Ask the dumb questions, speak honestly about yourself and what you want from the experience. It isn’t self-indulgence, it’s stepping whole heartedly into the most glorious woman you can be.

  • Choose outfits that make you feel most confident but be prepared to be flexible and open minded. Some of my favourite photos were not wearing the lingerie I took or in poses I thought I wouldn’t like!

  • Lean into the team and the Facebook Group. You are surrounded by experts, let them help you.

  • I wrote in my journal a lot in the days following my shoot. Looking back, I am so glad I captured those immediate reactions. When I read it back now, it fills me with such positivity. Just a suggestion! 

Lastly, I just want to say thank-you to the entire Divine Divas team. I know you mix up your secret ingredients and create this incredible magic every single working day. But you found the perfect spell for me, a tailored alchemy that transformed me. You made me feel I really mattered, made me feel that you ‘saw’ me, that I was part of something that would change me - and it has.

And to the incredible woman that is Jess. You walked beside me every single step of my journey. You found a light in me and helped me make it shine brightly again. You changed me, you celebrated me, and I am so grateful.

I have found my inner Divine Diva and I will never lose her again - or stop dancing in the rain.

Jane x 


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