“From Apprehension to Wow!”

Gorgeous Clare told us that she wanted to accept her body for what it is; to find comfort and confidence in who she is. This was her THIS IS ME moment. 

She was understandably nervous (as so many of you are) but knew it was time to step into the spotlight and see what the world looked like for an unstoppably confident Clare.

She told us she was looking to create a reminder to go above the sofa that made her feel empowered every time she looked at it. She wanted that feeling of sexiness and power to go above the sofa so when she sat in the living room she could feel that reminder every day.

This is what she said about her experience at the end of the day…

“From apprehension to wow!”

I felt so at ease with Jo and Jesse.

I’m self conscious of my figure but the shots really hid what I wanted. Plus, preparing for the day and getting myself ready leading up to the shoot was so confidence boosting for me.

The calls with Harriet and Jo really helped me understand I am fabulous. 

I am over 40 and a thick skin model!

I am proud of myself.

Thank you.’ 

Don’t let nerves hold you back from getting in touch. You can wait and wait until the perfect moment but sometimes you just have to go for it. Make your own perfect moment!

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The Facebook police won’t like this: why does Facebook censor our Boudoir Photos?


“Hi, my name is Cathy. I am 41 years old and I now love my autoimmune-challenged body!