I Want To Do This…But What Will My Parents or Children Think?
“But what will my children or parents think?!” is something that we’ve heard a few times. And it’s something we have very strong feelings about.
Here’s why.
We really do understand all of the reasons that you may end up thinking this.
We understand that you want your parents or children to feel comfortable in their own home. We understand that it’s not just your own house, and it’s a space that you share with your loved ones - so their opinion is obviously important.
We understand that this can be quite a private experience and that you may have some boundaries that you don’t want to overstep with your children or partner’s parents. We know we don’t want your teenager to choke on their toast if they walk in and see you on the wall in your lingerie.
And we know that, for some people, this is an experience that they want kept between themselves and only a select few. That it’s nothing to do with boundaries, but more about having something that is theirs and theirs only; that the photoshoot was about being able to actually do something for themselves and that sentiment, and how it’s displayed, feels precious.
We also know that you may see having something more publicly displayed as a bit showy; that you worry others will see it as an act of vanity.
We understand all of that - but here’s why you need to lean into our expertise. Every part of this experience, and I mean every single second, including the creation of artwork, is tailored to you. We only ever create art that you are proud of. There are SO many ways to navigate every concern that we just spoke about.
You could have something totally gorgeous and artistic that only you know is you - like this for example!
If you don’t want your parents or children or anyone else to know it’s you - but you still want something for the wall that means you can have some confidence reflected back at you (which wall art really does) we can 100% create something that can be your little secret. It could just be a silhouette of your shape or it could be a gorgeous delicate shot of the arch of your back, shadows on your collarbone, the nape of your neck with your favourite necklace resting against your skin, a classic and gorgeous nude with the sunlight highlighting just the side of your face and lips... To everyone else it is a piece of art, but to you, it can always mean that much more.
If you’re worried about it being too showy, we can create something that is artistic and subtle, that reminds you of a beautiful painting of a woman - but the best bit - she’s YOU. Your art can be anonymous to everyone but yourself. We also have our totally stunning off the wall collection with our albums and treasure boxes - we do always want you to feel proud enough to put them onto display because they do have such impact when you’re able to see them every day and be reminded of that feeling of power every day, but it does mean you have the option of moving them if someone is coming around or if you just want to share it with your partner. But, remind yourself, if you would have a painting of another woman on your wall - why couldn’t that woman be you?!
However, we do also want to say, a lot of these hesitations come from a place of doubt. We are so totally happy to cater to your tastes, but we also want to encourage you to ask yourself whether they are truly your own desires, or hesitations coming from worries about what other people will think.
Let’s give you some examples.
The “what will my teenagers” think
As much as you say that “no, no, my teenager (or whoever it may be) will hate it” - experience has shown us that this isn’t always true. We have spoken to the family of Divas after they have their artwork hanging up in their home and they love it. You may not be able to see past the idea of an embarrassed teenager, but actually, in the long run, all they care about is that you are happy. Yes, sure, they may initially put up a fight (it’s what teenagers do) but think of the example you are setting! Not only are you letting them know that they should never feel shame over their bodies, you are encouraging confidence and self-love. Imagine if you grew up in a household where self-love was an obvious part of the family culture; where you felt totally able to have open conversations around your body and self esteem; imagine the impact that really genuinely has on someone’s self confidence. Children learn by example - and honestly, what better example can you set then letting your kids know you should love yourself for exactly who you are?
The “but I share my house with my XYZ”
Secondly, as for not wanting something on the wall because it’s not just yours to live in, as much as it is your family’s home, it is also YOUR home. Sometimes, you just have to say sod it. There are few spaces in this world which we can really say are truly ours. Your home (or bedroom) is one of those. Claim that space as yours. If someone doesn’t like it, screw it. Does your artwork make you feel good? Yes? Well then - put it up there!
The “but… is it vain?”
We cannot tell you how much we disagree with this.
This idea of something being vain is totally totally false. I know we say this all the time (maybe we should get it tattooed) but self love is sanity, not vanity. If loving yourself counts as daring to be different then, by god, go for it. Think of the power you are giving other people by doing so - you are giving them permission to love themselves fiercely too.
Life is short - if you have the option to create something that makes you feel good and makes you feel more confident in yourself, then don’t spend any time worrying about what other people think!
Everyone has different tastes, and may want to take the sexiness up to different levels, and by all means we can create something that is either very explicitly you or it can be your own secret, but just know we are here to support you make a decision and walk out with an artwork that has maximum beneficial impact on your life - and if you, deep down, know that what would do is having a beautiful piece of artwork on your hallway wall where you see it every day, we are here to be your cheerleaders.
Empower yourself to go for what you want sometimes. If it makes you feel good and helps you live a confident, powerful life… well, you know the rest!