My Boudoir Experience After IVF: My Body Tells My Story. I Am Proud of That Now
What is your name and age? Tell us a bit about you!
I’m Shaniah, I’m 28 and I’m pretty local - just 20 minutes outside Bath!
I’ve been married to my husband for nearly three years and we have a beautiful little man, Eddison, who is nearly 19months! I love to read but also I am high energy so chasing Eddison around the park is perfect for the both of us!!
When did you come in for your first Boudoir Shoot? What made you decide to book?
I needed to accept myself. I needed to learn to love my new body, and see myself in a different light. I’m a confident and bubbly person usually, always high energy and ready to take on the world, but when I looked in the mirror all I saw was a body that had been put through hell - and to me it looked like it. My self-confidence was through the floor but I was proud of what I had achieved and wanted to learn how to love and accept my body for what it is. My body tells me a story afterall!
When you first got in touch, you shared that you had been through IVF and two ectopic pregnancies. You also shared that, after having your miracle baby, you felt you had your body back - but needed to learn to love your new body. So many of our Divas have gone through IVF, how did you find the experience?
I lost both my fallopian tubes within three months, with the first one actually bursting. Without my husband calling the ambulance when he did, and the incredible teams at the RUH, I wouldn’t be here. But that did not deter me from what we wanted. I wanted - needed - to be a Mum! It felt like the option had been taken away from me, but I wasn’t going to let anything stop me!
IVF was huge for me. I’m petrified of needles! The constant tears, bruises and pain really got to me when I was going through it. The mental and physical pain was something I never even thought of when we first walked into the clinic. It was a lot to go through, but I would always remind myself that the end result is my precious little one. I’d do anything for them, and I’d do it all again.
It was extremely hard but also the most rewarding journey I’d been on. I was so proud of both of us for coming so far!
My little one and me!
And how did you find learning to love your new body? Did your Boudoir Experience help you with this?
Learning to love my body was a mountain I had to climb in itself. I found that my body and every part of it, from the scars to the changes in my shape, is the story of how we got our son. I’m incredibly proud of what I went through. Seeing myself in the photos made me realise that actually just because my body has new marks and scars, and has a different shape, I can still look and feel good, and be attractive! That day, I really did love my body! I did my shoot at ten weeks postpartum so my stomach still had a little roundness to it at the bottom and my stretch marks were still fresh! I LOVE that! It’s such a celebration!
Now over one and half years later my body has changed again!
What did your Boudoir experience unlock, or help you recognise or celebrate in yourself?
Doing the Boudoir experience really did unlock a lot for me. It empowered me and it showed me that, even though I’ve changed so much, I’ve become almost sexier because of it! Seeing myself so plainly, so openly! It was just amazing!
Did you find that your discovery calls helped you prepare for your day with us?
The discovery calls were very helpful. I got to know Jess who was amazing. She put me right at ease! She’s amazing, as well as the rest of the team who just made the day completely stress-free . The calls definitely took away any reservations or nervousness I had!
Tell us - what was the moment you saw your photos for the first time like?
The moment I saw those photos, I was just in complete awe! I was so empowered. It proved I am still sexy and attractive. Just wow!
Confidence is a big thing - in fact it is everything. How has your confidence elevated who you are in different areas of your life - for example has this confidence affected your relationship or your career?
My confidence has just gone through the roof! I dress how I want without really bothering to think of what others think of me. I’ve become less anxious because, as long as you and those who love you don’t mind, then nobody else’s opinion matters right?!
And what did your husband reckon of your photos? I know he has a massive rock for you!
Connor really is the other half of me. He’s held me up when I really couldn’t hold myself. He was shocked when he saw the photos! He only saw them properly when I brought my album home!
He was just mesmerised! A moment I wish I caught on camera. He looked at me with just complete admiration and I’d only seen that when he first held our son in NICU.
He was so proud of me. The first thing he said about my photos to me was “you can now finally see yourself the way I see you”. I felt so proud in that moment; all I could do was grin!
When he went back through the photos a second time, well what can I say?! They are sexy for a reason right? The fire in his eyes… wow! It was like a scene out of one of my spicy books! I now understand what they mean when the author says fire in his gaze!
What stood out or surprised you about this experience?
The thing that suprised me the most was how I could even look like that! Jesse is amazing with the camera, he captured me in such a way that I loved every part of me! I even adored my love handles that I wanted to get rid of! It was also just how empowered I felt! Like “yes girl! That’s you!” It was amazing!
What was your favourite part of the experience?
My favourite part of the experience was how empowering having my photo taken was! I was quite nervous but, by the end, my bra came off and it felt amazing! Almost like I was being charged up or being pumped back-up after feeling so deflated for so long. It made me appreciate myself in a whole new light!
How does your artwork make you feel?
My artwork really has changed my perspective of myself. It’s made me see my body in a whole new light. I can now appreciate every lump, bump, and scar that I have on my body. As my husband says my body tells a story and to be able to see that the way I have with my photos is amazing. I’ve never felt more empowered, confident, powerful, proud and appreciative of what I am! I’m sexy and I know it! It’s not arrogance ladies, it’s confidence!
Do you have any last messages you’d like to add? What would you like to say to any Divas considering booking?
For the ladies who have been thinking about doing this… Please do it! Even if you’re gifting your photos… just do it! Do it for yourselves, you’ll see yourself in a whole new light and you will learn to love and be proud of what you have! Be bold, be confident and be sexy!
You deserve to feel the best you ever have and gain whatever it is you seek because we are all beautiful! Some of us need the spotlight to show us that! Just like I did!
There’s something powerful in doing something like this; confidence is power, so own it.
To Divine Divas, thank you for bringing me back to me! You guys are so good at what you do. You really change people’s perspective of themselves. I am so grateful.
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